Tuesday, 15 April 2008

Butterfly transect

From the 1st April to 30th September we do a weekly count of butterflies along a transect. The transect route has 8 sections and covers all the different habitats on the nature reserve. We have to note the start and finish time, end temperature, wind direction and at the end of each transect section the percentage of sun. Both butterfly species and the number of each species have to be recorded and this will vary during the summer months.

The most common species today was Peacock butterfly. The one below was one fresh Fox droppings, obtaining moisture and minerals I would imagine.

To fine out more about the method used and national results from the scheme visit http://www.ukbms.org/methods.htm


Robin Fawcett said...

Hi Kevin
Peacocks eating/drinking fox shit eh?! Wonderful pic.

I finally managed to spend the time and worked out how to give your blog a link from mine - why don't you download a hit counter?

I found a book called "Who Let The Blogs Out" by Biz Stone which inspired me a bit to try and link up some of the more interesting blogs.

Fenlander said...

I use Google Analytics which gives me far more information than just the total number of visitors I get.